I always thinking why I can't get anything right?! When in interviews I always thought what would be my answer in the basic questions but it always didn't go well and I ended up not getting the job but sometimes I answer it well but it also end up like that... I don't know what's wrong with me... I can't get it rigth... Sometimes I think of doing something in my head but I can't get it out through my hands or saying something... even though I practice it or think of it I just can't get it right through my mouth it's just always in my head... I'm getting frustrated that I always thinking of something but I can't get it out... I don't know what I'm good at anymore or if there is really something that I'm good at... I'm always frustrated that why can't I be better at things... Why can't I do something better... I don't know if this is all my best but I'm really trying my best in everything but why it always wasn't enough... I don't know what to do anymore... how can I change myself so I can be good at anything... but who the hell is good at anything right?!